Navigating the New Regulation for Short-Term Rental Properties in Turkey
As of January 1, 2024, Turkey has enacted a new law, numbered 7464, dated October 25, 2023, which aims to regulate the activities of renting residential properties for tourism purposes. This law introduces a mandatory “Tourism Rental Authorization Certificate” for property owners wishing to engage in short-term rental activities. Here’s what you need to know to comply with the new regulations:
What is the Tourism Rental Authorization Certificate?
The Tourism Rental Authorization Certificate is a document issued by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism or the provincial Directorate of Culture and Tourism. It permits the rental of residential units for up to one hundred days to individuals or legal entities. This certificate is essential for anyone looking to rent their property for tourist activities, regardless of the nature of the tenants’ stay, whether it’s for education, health, business, travel, sports, or other purposes.
Who is Eligible for the Certificate?
The certificate can be granted to individuals or legal entities that own a property or have rights to it through usufruct or superficies, provided these rights are registered in the land registry. Notably, high-quality residences (residences) limited to this scope may also obtain the certificate upon request, especially those managed by housing operations (Management and Marketing Operations).
Application Timeline and Procedure
The law stipulates that those already involved in tourism rental activities as of January 1, 2024, must apply for the certificate by February 1, 2024. During this period, they can continue their rental operations without interruption. Applications submitted within this timeframe are to be concluded within three months.
For those who plan to start tourism rental activities after January 1, 2024, it is mandatory to obtain the certificate before commencing the rental operations. These applications will be processed within 30 days.
Penalties for Non-Compliance
Strict penalties have been laid out for those who rent their properties for tourism purposes without the certificate. Administrative fines start at 100,000 Turkish Lira for each property involved in non-compliant rental activities.
This new regulation aims to streamline the process of short-term rentals for tourism, ensuring that all operations are carried out legally and under the supervision of the relevant authorities. Property owners are advised to familiarize themselves with the law and take the necessary steps to obtain the Tourism Rental Authorization Certificate to avoid any legal repercussions.
For further details and assistance with the application process, individuals are encouraged to contact the Ministry of Culture and Tourism or their local Directorate of Culture and Tourism.